I need something Chambers Library doesn't own. How can I get it?
When you need a book or article that Chambers Library doesn't own, we can usually borrow it for you from another library - it's almost always a free service to you. This is called interlibrary loan, or ILL.
Most of the time, you will use ILL services while searching the library's databases. If a journal article is unavailable, you'll see a link for "Interlibrary Loan (allow 7 days." You'll login with your UCO credentials, and then the ILL system (called ILLiad), will show your borrower information and the article citation information filled out automatically. Then you can submit your request!
You may also go directly to ILLiad to borrow books or other materials. When you login, your borrower information is filled in automatically but you must provide information about the item. Please be thorough and accurate - the more details you provide about an item, the easier it is for library staff to locate and borrow it for you.
If you think the item is something that Chambers Library should own, you may fill out a Purchase Request form.
Links & Files
- Interlibrary Loan page Opens in new window
- How long will it take my Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request to arrive? Opens in new window
- Can I renew my Interlibrary Loan? Opens in new window
- Who is eligible to use Interlibrary Loan? Opens in new window
- What types of items are not available through ILL? Opens in new window
- Where do I pick up my Interlibrary Loan requests? Opens in new window
- Can I get eBooks through ILL? Opens in new window