How long will it take my Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request to arrive?
Allow at least a week for material to arrive on campus, depending on the location of the material and the promptness of the lending library.
Some electronic delivery of articles is faster than one week, and you will receive an email with instructions on how to download an electronic article.
Chambers Library staff will try to have your request sent to potential lenders within one working day of its submission and will notify you of its receipt within one working day of the item's arrival. Sometimes a request might take 2-3 weeks, or even longer.
Possible Reasons for a Delay
- - The item is lost, missing, or checked out
- - Mail or delivery system slowness
- - Mailing and processing mistakes
- - Overburdened ILL staff at other institutions
Items that May Take Longer to Arrive
- - Reference and special collections items
- - New or current titles
- - Popular best sellers
- - Requests with incomplete, inaccurate, or illegible bibliographic information
- - Audiovisual materials such as DVDs, video tapes, and sound recordings